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Urmila Award

Each year Urmila Award is open for sending entries on 18th September, the last date of sending entries is 31 December. 

Participants are invited to send video of any Bhajan or Devotional Song of their choice sung by them.




Urmila Awards 2021: About Us

- Sing and record video of any Hindi song of your choice.

- The Video should be in any of the format: o .MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI, .MKV, .WMV.

- The duration of the video should be between 1 minute (minimum) and 6 minutes (maximum).

- Participants are allowed use of live instruments oor karaoke for accompaniments.

- Links for any pre-uploaded video on any other platform shall not be permitted.

- Video of the song should be shared along with the entry form to: or on contact mobile number



Some tips for you

- Participant should capture video in horizontal mode only.

- Participants must shoot their singing videos in broad daylight / proper lighting for clarity of facial recognition.
- Recorded video should be of single frame and one angle for the entire duration, without editing.
- Participants are advised to keep the recording device of the video stationery/reduce hand movement during the recording.
- Use of mic is recommended for better audio clarity.

Retro Singer
Image by Josh Sorenson


- The winning entry will get a special Prize along with an e-certificate.

- Five Best  entries will get an e-certificate and letter of appreciation.


Terms and Conditions

Inner Search Foundation and ISF Group has no intention of using any of submitted material and or awarded material for any commercial purpose. The jury of the awards shall judge the entries for their quality of singing, clarity of words, any creative improvisation in the rendering, and overall effect. The winner entries will be published on ISF Group’s YouTube channel.


By participating in the contest, the participants agree to following terms and conditions of this Award:
• Participants confirm that they have either submitted their original work created as per requirements of this competition and shall not use this for any commercial or other purpose unless they have sought written consent from the Inner Search Foundation.
• Participants shall ensure that all due credits are given to all other sources which support their submission.
• Any shortcoming in meeting the above criteria and terms shall render the participant's application invalid leading to disqualification.
• The participant shall have no further claims or rights if the content is used by Inner Search Foundation and/or ISF Group in any form and/or on any platform.
• Participants of age below 18 years shall need to submit written consent of their parents or guardians to all the terms.
• The Selection Committee is fully empowered to decide all matters regarding the process of nomination, evaluation, and selection.
• Inner Search Foundation and ISF GROUP are not liable for any plagiarism or misuse of any source as the original copyright(s) is(are) solely owned by the Companies, Original-Artist(s), Record-label(s) and Producers.

© Urmila Award/ Inner Search Foundation

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