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Smart tablet use: Man embraces distance education, engages with digital learning platforms.

Task-based and Experiential Learnings

A task oriented learning system designed for distance learning and career progression; operates offline on a smartphone or tablet.


The Infrastructure

The distance learning segment is suitable for workforce in remote areas who want to learn on-the-job. The app offers challenging and relevant tasks that are available offline and a website interface for organizations to track and assess learning performance of their workforce.

The App for the workforce

The app which is compatible with smart phones and tablets can be downloaded from application store and used offline to learn on the job. An internet connection is only needed to share the progress with the organization.

The Website for the managers and mentors

The website allows companies to register their workforce and engage and allot them various relevant tasks. Once the employees share their output, the mentors/assessors will provide relevant feedback for improvement.

Tasks and Programs

The distance learning segment from ISF is available with 1000+ tasks spread across various subjects and topics covering navigation, engineering, health, safety management, etc.

HELMS Distance Learning App: Access education anytime, anywhere, and elevate your learning journey.
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